Thursday, August 8, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

None - Essay Example In this context it is important to note that the infants would be conditioned by Watson to become what he would make them. They might believe that they are choosing to be doctors, lawyers or thieves out of their freewill, but it will be the conditioning provided by Watson which would lead them to make choices which eventually leads them to select a profession. The deterministic ideals presented in these words are made obvious when we consider our own situation as members of the social system that we live in. For example, as much as we would like to murder someone, loot something or steal an object of desire we know the consequences of what might happen if we do that and this restrains us from performing the same actions. At the same time, there is nothing which actually binds our hands from not stealing something or lying to others even when we know the consequences of getting caught. This is the exercise of freewill which even Watson could not control if the doctor he created decided to shoplift something out of a store to get a thrill. While society and other forces which surround us day and night might push us towards a predetermined life, it is our own freewill which keeps us on the straight and narrow. Had society and social conditioning been enough to keep people in line, there would be no need for a criminal justice system at all. Therefore, I believe that while we have freewill to do what we want, we are also controlled by the forces of determinism which guide us on the right path to doing what we want to

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